On the 17th of April 2021, the Church met together to consider our biblically mandated responsibility toward mission. After much searching of the Scriptures, the elders prepared a Statement on Mission to present to the Church. Here we reflected especially on Matt. 28:19-20, Matt. 24:14; Rev. 7:9 and noticed that the Gospel must go to the nations with special emphasis on unreached people groups. This has the implication that the emphasis of mission should be on people groups so far unreached by the Gospel. The missionary appointed to such task must have the biblical qualifications of an elder and must seek to establish not only converts but disciples and a local church followed by appointing elders and deacons. We also reflected together what it meant to do mission within the Reformed tradition, and how this might be done within an African context.
1. Introduction to Mission
Corné Blaauw | Play / Download 2. Paul the Ambassador of the Risen Christ to the Ends of the Earth Corné Blaauw | Play / Download 3. Mission in Calvin and the Reformed Tradition William Vigne | Play / Download 4. Roy Comrie's Missionary Practice in Africa Eric Tucker | Play / Download 5. The KBC Mission Statement Corné Blaauw | Play / Download | Read Statement |
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