This classic book, The Pilgrim's Progress (1687) was written by the Puritan, John Bunyan (1628-1688) while in jail. He was in jail because of his insistence on preaching the Gospel in places not allowed by the Restoration government after the Act of Uniformity. This has been one of the most enduring classics since it captures the journey of Christian from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City in the form of a hero's journey, all the while meeting some of the most memorable characters like The Interpreter, Worldly Wiseman, and Hopeful; with such haunting settings as the Palace Beautiful, the Valley of the Shadow of Death, and Vanity Fair. In these studies, we read the book together and study the allegory, characters, the flow of the narrative all for the sake of squeezing out the "bibline" which Bunyan bled as he points us to Christ, his Word and the how to live the Christian Life.
1. Introduction: Leaving the City of Destruction | Play / Download
2. The Slough of Despond and Worldly Wiseman | Play / Download 3. The Wicket Gate and Interpreter's House | Play / Download 4. Pilgrim at the Cross and Mount Difficulty | Play / Download 5. The Valley of the Shadow of Death | Part 1 | Part 2 |
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